Monday, October 11, 2010


So listen I use to work for this Dog organization called Georgia Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation and everything was going great until i saw how they really were towards there customers! If the boss Heather Zaresky dint want you to have one of her dogs you will not get it simple ass that and she could never tell you to your face she had her Volunteer Corridor tell you which is fucked on another level  i mean if your the President/Founder of an organization step and be the man and heres another thing i kept getting blamed for shit i dint do i mean i wasn't even there when this happened like her money got stolen first off bitch I'm rich so is my family and my bf and my god mom and the little 1000.00$ she makes doesn't fit in my life style everything i wear is over that i wear Gucci, Prada, Channel, Coach, Dior etc. So someone please tell me wtf i look like i wasn't even there when this happen then a label maker and microwave got broken guess who got blamed when he wasn't there if you said me then hell yeah your right so this is just to inform you not to adopted anything from GCRR also i got together with my ex about two weeks ago only thing he wanted from me was sex and i was like bitch no your going to leave me for your fat pathetic ex get a life and grow up also i am gay and for anyone else that's gay don't take shit from anyone because let me tell you something nobody is better than you i mean you are your own person never let anyone bring you down i will be here for you I'm here for everyone if you need me I'm fed up with GAY TEEN KILLING THERESELFS over some pathetic bitch let me tell you guys something NOBODY I MEAN NOBODY is worth taking your life for i mean nobody you should love yourself enough not to let people walk all over you cause let me tell you another thing i will be damned if a bitch try to walk over me this is what you tell them bitch fall back and fuck you like i said I'm here if you need me and I'm here if you need me and if you don't have haters your not doing anything heres another thing I'm fed up with Racism  i mean bitches grow up this isn't the 19th century anymore everyone is equal no one is better than anyone sure some may be richer and some poorer who gives a fuck what you are this is all you need to know The Way To Love Anything, Is To Realize Love Is Life, And If You Miss Love You Miss Life So that's all i have to say today (:

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