Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cheating, People Telling Other People What To Do, Dog Fighting, Prenup

This blog might be long because i dint blog yesterday so first off i wanna talk about people cheating on each other why in the hell would you cheat on the person you love? I mean seriously if your going to marry this person or have been dating for several years I'm going to to tell you how to cheat DON'T FUCKING DO IT!  I mean seriously its stupid and pointless and if you think your so sneaky about it and haven't got caught yet its just a matter of time because what goes up must come down and it always does i mean if your even thinking about cheating be fucking smart about it like if your married and you decide to go out and cheat get a fucking divorce first like if you have a child or children think of them there way more important that you and your stupid reason same thing goes for people if there dating don't cheat there is no point in it i mean seriously and like heres something i just wanna touch base on who they hell do people think they are to just walk around and tell people what to do i mean your not my boss and even if you were your not going to tell me what to do with my shit like lets say i come to your house with my laptop and you tell me if your son cant get on my laptop i can leave i would be like bitch you have lost your damn mind call me when you get back i mean seriously i would leave just cause you said that bullshit i mean people should be treated equal if its not yours then you have no power over it or whoever the person is so shut the fuck up and as foe people who sign prenups or whatever the hell it is i wouldn't sign shit i would be like um excuse me you think I'm marring you for money? Then we can just split up and if he/she loves you enough they would be like that's fine but if the say well it would be best if we split up then they dint give a damn they would have cheated on in a year with some other little hot sexy thing and this is the last thing I'm going to touch base on is Dog Fighting i swear that really gets to me i would go to jail if somebody fight dogs in my face i would go to their house and call the cops as i bet their ass cause its just cruel and wrong to do i mean what the fuck you low life pathetic bitch cant do anything but do that to poor defenseless animals and i love pit bulls let me correct myself pit bulls aren't a breed they are called American Staffordshire, American Pit Bull Terrier, And American Bull Terrier Those are commonly referred to as "Pit Bulls" but I'm like so in love with those type of dogs i have two of my own and i just love her to death her name is Ri-Ki (: but if anyone ever stole her i would loose my damn mind and if i caught them fighting her with other dogs i would kill them point blank but that's all i wanted to talk about tonight so byez  

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